Predicting Asset Failure


Keeping medical fridges & freezers safe

Manage DATA

Temperature & humidity

Monitor multiple thermal characteristics across estates


Monitor energy & optimise each fridge or freezer independently

Predict failure

Customised algorithms to predetermine anomaly's


21 CFR Part 11

Ensure data entegrity in-line with local regulations


Effectively manage all calibration data in a single portal


Create simple workflows & customised layouts

Data Access

Access control

Track & monitor door contact/ access logs for controlled areas

Manage stability data

Assign specific criteria per fridge/freezer to ensure product safety

Product security

Create alarm thresholds for a second set of eyes on high value products

Preventative Maintenance

800 + Installs

1000 + incidents averted

customised monitoring


  • Manage multiple sensors & data for specific applications in-line with local legislation.
  • Choose your desired application to ensure compliance.
  • Choose solutions designed to prevent asset failure.


Each application will differ dependant on the type of monitoring requirement. Giving you the capability to align independently to your own regulatory guidelines.

  • Predict failure of fridges & freezers.
  • Manage compliance data in a single portal
  • Monitor environmental conditions
  • Predict asset failure on multiple levels
  • Monitor air-quality for critical applications
  • Manage workflows & calibration data
  • Optimise service & maintenance delivery
  • Monitor energy and optimise
  • Monitor laboratory fridge’s and freezers stability data
  • Provide asset protection for high value products
  • Monitor air-quality 
  • Close monitoring -150 C ̊  + 200 C ̊
  • Monitor and manage environmental conditions
  • Track, trace & monitor products across supply-chains

Asset protection on multiple levels

1.Device level

Our products & solutions are aimed at prevention rather than straight forward temperature monitoring.  With specific algorithms we are able to predetermine whether a fridge or freezer will fail. Giving you the ability to make more informed decisions when managing data across critical applications where failure is not an option..

2.Analytics Cloud

Manage your own data in a secure cloud platform on your own server! Customise the data easily and take care of compliance.. Build and customise asset layouts, predetermine failure of systems based on specific criteria. 

Asset optimisation

What does it really mean?

Reduce validation & Callibration times
Traditional Mapping 50%
Reduce manual processes
Costs cut 30%
Monitor fridge/freezer energy usage
Energy Waste 22%
Control access
Energy Saved 15%
Manage people & process
Less time spent 50%
Predict failure
Reduce maintenance costs 46%

Our products & solutions are aimed at prevention rather than straight forward temperature monitoring.  With specific algorithms we are able to predetermine whether a fridge or freezer will fail. Giving you the ability to make more informed decisions when managing data across critical applications where failure is not an option..

Simplified preventitive maintenance!

Our systems are designed to detect annomalies that are designed specifically around the client risk profile. Reducing time & costs associated to maintenance, servicing & commissioning and simple guided installation processes.

White papers